Parliament approves first ever EU rules on combating violence against women
The new rules aim to prevent gender-based violence and protect its victims, especially women and victims of domestic violence.
The new rules aim to prevent gender-based violence and protect its victims, especially women and victims of domestic violence.
MEPs push for a broader scope, to protect more victims and punish more perpetrators
The data will allow for analysis of developments in gender-based violence, building upon the Violence Against Women survey conducted by FRA in 2014.
The EU condemns all forms of violence against women and girls. It is unacceptable in the 21st century that women and girls continue to be abused, harassed, raped, mutilated or ...
EIGE’s latest report on coercive control and psychological violence across the EU Member States proves high prevalence. However, increased criminalisation measures are starting to be put in place.
a policy paper that calls upon the international community and national governments to ensure that Ukrainian refugees receive appropriate SRHR services in the host countries.
EU countries must guarantee access to safe, legal and free abortion services
This Report by the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality (GSFPGE) is the second annual report of the phenomenon of violence against women and reflects of ...
Gender5+ organizes an online event which aims to explore the recently adopted proposal for a Directive on violence against women and domestic violence, in terms of its scope and content.
Most EU countries have laws tackling violence against someone because of gender or sexual orientation, but the lack of a common definition of gender-based violence and common rules to address ...
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