The MSc in Interaction Design ( is offered by the Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus) and Tallinn University (Estonia) bringing together an impressive...
The unique structure of the MPH programme allows for the acquisition of core practical skills in key areas of public...
DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME Τhe Postgraduate Programme in “Educational Leadership and Policy” aims a) to create the foundations for...
The section Economic Geography of Utrecht University is seeking to appoint two PostDocs to work on a new EU funded...
Postgraduate Studies General Characteristics of the Programme The postgraduate degree course offered by the Department of Social Policy focuses on...
The present English Edition of (SocialPolicy English Edition) is based on the need to curate and present social policy topics in depth.
Furthermore, we consider that many of our readers should be more easily informed by reading our English language content, thus adding to the accessibility of the project.
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