The European Network of Equality Bodies, Equinet, held an online round table on 11 October.
A key measure proposed by the EESC is to create a separate EU fund for the reconstruction and development of...
The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration in Finland has published a policy brief about the wellbeing of children with a foreign background.
Yesterday marked the deadline for Member States to transpose the European Accessibility Act into national law.
The Commission welcomes the Member States' strong commitment to making Europe fair, inclusive and full of opportunities.
Despite progress, gaps persist | Progress achieved on the Strategy
The ‘Bremen Integration Qualification’ (BIQ) project supports young immigrants to learn German by offering language lessons five days a week.
The European Commission has launched a Ukrainian version of the EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals.
Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, and Emmanuelle Wargon, French Minister for Housing, met the ministers responsible for...
The Coronavirus pandemic exposed sharp socio-economic inequalities across Europe. Roma children, migrants, people with disabilities, just some of the already...
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