UNIC Erasmus Office kindly invites all full-time students from all cycles and programmes of study to apply for participation in...
Traineeships at the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) involve work experience in the Foundation's...
CEDEFOP Traineeships 2023 | - Dealine extended until Monday 20 March at 13:00 Greek time (CET+1) -
The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) announces traineeship opportunities in its Knowledge Management & Communications Unit lasting six months.
Human resources coordinators provide essential expertise to ensure that MSF staff are happy in their work.
Being a mental health officer with MSF is an intense but rewarding job.
The interested candidates can apply for the following Units and traineeship profiles:
Traineeships General information Every year, the Court of Justice of the European Union offers a limited number of paid traineeships...
Each year, the CoR offers young university graduates a limited number of five-month traineeships. The purpose of the organisation of...
The Economic and Social Committee (ESC) is an advisory body that gives Europe's economic and social partners (i.e. employers, trade...
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