Social dialogue: a key driver shaping Europe’s apprenticeship systems
Social dialogue is a crucial tool in shaping quality and effective apprenticeships across Europe.
Social dialogue is a crucial tool in shaping quality and effective apprenticeships across Europe.
Member States will be able to use the public interface on a voluntary basis. In Member States who choose to do so, the new single digital declaration portal will reduce ...
These guidelines, which are part of the 2024 European Semester Spring Package, set common priorities for national employment and social policies
New rules to correct false self-employment | Workers cannot be fired based on a decision taken by an algorithm
EU leaders and social partners met in Brussels for the tripartite social summit. The main theme of the summit was 'Delivering on building blocks for a successful European Economy for ...
Based on those replies, the Commission has determined that there is scope for further EU action to improve the existing framework.
The study complements the 2021 study on seasonal work and summarises the key challenges related to seasonal work.
A new Eurobarometer survey released on the 28th of April 2023 shows that traineeships are an important stepping stone for young people into the labour market.
On average, platform workers face a higher risk of economic instability and discrimination. Add to that, they also experience exclusion from collective representation, a lack of upskilling and occupational safety ...
Identifying the key objectives and actions for the period to make the workplace fit for the increasingly rapid changes in the world of work
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