The section Economic Geography of Utrecht University is seeking to appoint two PostDocs to work on a new EU funded Horizon2020 project on Pathways to Inclusive Labour markets (PILLARS).
The PILLARS project will study how changes in emerging automation technologies, their adoption along GVCs, and industrial transformations, affect the future of work, including through the reconfiguration of the demand for skills.
The two Post Docs will work with the PILLARS team at Utrecht University on measuring the future geography of industries and occupations in the European Union, and in particular on estimating the effects of emerging automation technologies on this geography.
The PostDocs will also work in collaboration with a team of top innovation scholars, economists, and job market data scientists at Utrecht University and leading partner organizations (SPRU, University of Sussex; Ifo Institute, University of Munich; UNI-MERIT, Maastricht; Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt; CNRS, French National Centre for Scientific Research; CRISP, University of Milan-Bicocca; Technopolis) in Europe.
Post Doc 1: 1 year full time (September 2021-August 2022)
Post Doc 2 : 2 years full time (January 2022-December 2023)
Candidates wishing to discuss details about the project and the posts should contact Prof Ron Boschma ( or 0031 6 24455676) or Dr Sergio Petralia ( by email.
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