The European Commission has launched in Barcelona the renewed European Apprentices Network (EAN), which will give a renewed impetus to the promotion of apprenticeships and the engagement of young people.
The launch took place in the context of the event ‘The voice of apprentices in the European Year of Youth 2022’ organised by the European Commission, the regional government of Catalonia and the Bertelsmann Foundation.
The renewed European Apprentices Network (EAN) aims at inviting Member States and interested parties to engage in activities related to the promotion of apprenticeships and the representation of apprentices at national level.
The relevant event highlighted the importance of involving learners in the design, governance and roll-out of apprenticeships schemes and on their representation at national level by showcasing good practice examples from different Member States.
The European Apprentices Network was set up in 2017 in the context of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships.
Since then, its members participated in various high-level discussions in order to make the voice of apprentices heard. Its relaunch is one of the actions planned under the Youth Employment Support initiative and contributes to implementing the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights on quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning.
Source/Further info: European Year of Youth: Launch of new European Apprentices Network – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion – European Commission (