EIGE – Project: Status-Running
The COVID-19 pandemic will have unprecedented long-term social and economic effects.
An increasing body of evidence shows that women have been particularly affected by this crisis and will suffer more acute socioeconomic consequences. At the request of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, EIGE is preparing a report to assess the EU recovery response to the COVID-19 pandemic from a gender perspective. The study will focus on national recovery and resilience plans and assess the effects of selected national policy measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic from a gender equality and gender mainstreaming perspective. This study will be published in 2023.
Gender equality in economic and financial affairs is not just a matter of fairness. It is necessary to ensure Europe’s economic growth and the well-being of its citizens. To ensure that market policies benefit women and men equally, the European institutions have introduced a range of measures to assess, monitor and enhance their impact on gender equality {Source: Economic and financial affairs | European Institute for Gender Equality (europa.eu) }
From a macroeconomic perspective, women’s inclusion in the labour market is relevant in terms of fostering economic growth. Looking at the performance of countries and regions, a clear strong positive correlation emerges between gender equality in the labour market and economic growth. The direction of causality goes mainly from economic growth to gender equality, but it is also true that full participation by women in the labour market supports GDP growth, as more (qualified) human resources are involved in the production system. {Economic and financial affairs | European Institute for Gender Equality (europa.eu)}