Online Discussion/ Webinar
“Women and the future of Europe”
Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 18.00 – 19.00 CET
The meeting will take place via Zoom
Livestreaming on Facebook “Gender 5 Plus”
G5+ organizes a second online event on “Women and the future of Europe”, to feed the debate of the Conference on the future of Europe (CoFoE) and advance ideas to improve women’s rights.
The pandemic crisis is exacerbating pre-existing inequalities between women and men, but at the same time it offers the opportunity to rethink our societies and the future of the EU, including through the unprecedented exercise of participation by citizens offered by the CoFoE.
The webinar will explore how the reflection on the future of the EU will be carried out with and for women. A high-level panel debate will explore the main demands that the Conference should adress on care economy, parity democracy and gender based-violence. It will also discuss how to prevent the pandemic crisis from compromising the progress made for women and how to ensure that Europe represents a model in the field of equality, both towards its Member States and on the international stage.
18.00 Welcome and Introduction
– Cinzia Sechi, G5+
18.05 The French Presidency of the EU: focus on gender equality priorities
– Agnes Hubert, G5+
18.10 – 18.50 Panel – “Women and the future of Europe”
Moderator: Cinzia Sechi, G5+
– The CoFoE and main demands on gender equality: Gabi Bischoff, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament
– The future of care economy: Maria Karamesini Professor of Labour Economics and Economics of the Welfare State at the Social Policy Department of Panteion University
– Eradicating gender based-violence: Mary Collins, EWL Senior Policy and Advocacy Coordinator
– Europe and parity democracy: Joyce Mushaben, Curators’ Distinguished Professor (Emerita), University of Missouri-St. Louis; and Adjunct Professor, BMW Center for German & European Studies, Georgetown University.
Questions & Answers
18:50-19:00 Closing remarks – Joanna Tachmintzis, G5+
The webinar will be held in English.