Social Protection Systems | Updated information on social protection systems in all EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland – including brief descriptions of their organisation and information on the social protection of the self-employed – is now available in English, French and German on the MISSOC website.
MISSOC (Mutual Information System on Social Protection) is an important online source of up-to-date comparable information on social protection systems in European countries.
The information comes from a network of officials from national ministries and institutions responsible for administering social protection which is coordinated by the MISSOC Secretariat on behalf of the European Commission.
MISSOC – Missoc database – Self-employed
For example:
The information on the social protection of the self-employed gives a short overview of their situation as regards the coverage in the different countries and, in particular, of the ways in which the arrangements for the self-employed differ from those for employees.
The texts refer to the MISSOC comparative tables in case the schemes for the self-employed are similar to those for employees.
Information is
- updated on a biannual basis with validated information for the situation on 1 January and 1 July of each year.
- available from the year of accession to the EU, e.g. 2007 for Bulgaria and Romania and 2013 for Croatia.
- not available for the UK for January 2015 and from January 2020 onwards, and Iceland for January 2017, July 2017 and July 2018.
Please do not hesitate to contact the MISSOC Secretariat if you have questions on the information stored in the tables or any suggestions.