Agreement reached on the European Social Fund+ for 2021-2027
Guaranteed investments in countries with many children at high risk of poverty At least 3 % of the budget to be spent on food aid and basic material assistance A ...
Social policies and social programs aiming at social inclusion of particularly socially vulnerable groups and migrants/refugees. Topics are covering thematic areas of social inclusion, social policy programs, and social welfare programs.
Guaranteed investments in countries with many children at high risk of poverty At least 3 % of the budget to be spent on food aid and basic material assistance A ...
The European Commission recently unveiled its new EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027). What do you need to know about this new plan? The European Web Site on Integration ...
To Deputy Minister of Finance, Theodoros Skylakakis CC: Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis Minister of Finance, Christos Staikouras The European Commission Recovery and Resilience Task Force (RECOVER) Athens, ...
Cartagena (Region de Murcia), through the Local Development and Employment Agency, joined the European ECCIPA project. The project aims to strengthen intercultural skills in public administration (part of the ERASMUS+ programme) ...
The present English Edition of (SocialPolicy English Edition) is based on the need to curate and present social policy topics in depth.
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